Skyscraper queen Darcy Stacom is the country's top real-estate broker. But staffers say she threw things at them, berated underlings, and made employees' lives miserable. (2024)

Darcy Stacom shouted, "Are you an idiot?" She didn't like the work a florist had done on the unwieldy philodendron in her Park Avenue office. And, like she often did, Stacom decided to shout at someone to voice her disapproval.

The target that day was Lindsey Vandevier, the purveyor of a small flower shop in Montclair, New Jersey, who had come to service the plant. Now, Vandevier found herself in a situation familiar to generations of young professionals who have worked for Stacom over a celebrated 40-year career.

"You'd have to be an idiot because you have no taste," Stacom went on. "You have no talent. No wonder you're in New Jersey."


Vandevier was stunned.

"I've been a maître d' at high-end restaurants earlier in my career and have interacted with difficult people," Vandevier said, confirming another person's recollection of the encounter, which took place in 2018.

"I have never worked with someone on a professional level where they didn't even know me and the only thing they had to tell me was that my business and I were a joke," she continued.

Unleashing rage has worked for Stacom. Today, she runs the team that handles the sales of New York City's priciest and most prestigious properties, including the Chrysler Building, for the world's largest real-estate-services firm, CBRE.


Skyscraper queen Darcy Stacom is the country's top real-estate broker. But staffers say she threw things at them, berated underlings, and made employees' lives miserable. (1)

For years, Stacom, who is 61, has sat atop New York City's commercial-real-estate industry, tallying more than $60 billion in sales — more than almost any other broker in the country. Her enduring dominance in that ultracompetitive and lucrative field earned her a regal moniker: Queen of the Skyscrapers.

In August, Stacom and her team at CBRE, the $30 billion global real-estate-services firm where Stacom has worked for the past two decades, proved that the title still fits. She represented the broadcasting giant CBS in a $760 million deal to sell its famous headquarters on Sixth Avenue in Midtown Manhattan — one of the most expensive office properties to change hands since the pandemic began.

She is considered a pioneering woman who broke gender barriers in a business that, for decades, was overwhelmingly male. In June, she won her fifth Ingenious Deal of the Year Award, the New York real-estate industry's most prestigious prize, for last year's $900 million sale of another office building at 330 Madison Avenue. Stacom (pronounced STAY-come) has been the No. 1 sales broker at CBRE nine times.

But behind the accolades is a pattern of troubling behavior, said some of the people who have worked for her. They described an executive with a hair-trigger temper who was not only demanding but also habitually volatile and abusive.

Loud voices and sharp words can be common in a high-stakes real-estate industry dominated by type A bosses. But 11 people who have worked for Stacom in recent years saw her as a sales executive who crossed the boundaries of what is considered acceptable conduct in the modern corporate workplace.


Stacom, they said, would fly into tirades, hurl personal insults at staff, and smash objects or throw them across the room.

Two of the people Insider spoke with said they had filed complaints against Stacom with CBRE's human-resources department. And former employees told Insider that Stacom's behavior took an emotional and physical toll on the staff.

Skyscraper queen Darcy Stacom is the country's top real-estate broker. But staffers say she threw things at them, berated underlings, and made employees' lives miserable. (2)

In July 2018, Stacom became so enraged at a support staffer on her team that she snatched a metal paper holder as she yelled and threw it across the office, two people said — one who witnessed the incident and another who overheard it and saw its immediate aftermath.

Another former member of Stacom's team said they saw her throw a stapler in the direction of an underling in 2012. That person added that Stacom tossed a cellphone in their direction in 2010. And a little over a decade ago, Stacom flung a stapler at an associate, who had to duck to avoid being struck, a person who witnessed that incident said.


A person close to CBRE said the company had no record of any stapler-throwing incidents alleged against Stacom. The person who witnessed Stacom's stapler-throwing incident in 2012 said that at the time, it wasn't reported by staff to CBRE's human-resources department.

Stacom's blowups have led to high turnover among her staff, these people said. Since the beginning of 2018, at least 19 CBRE employees have left Stacom's team, a review by Insider found. Those departures don't include staff who spent only a few weeks or days on the team and left quickly.

In that time, Stacom's group has typically had a headcount of about a dozen sales executives and support staff. (A person close to CBRE said the team was smaller during the pandemic than it had been prior because of market conditions.)

In an email that Stacom sent to her staff after Insider sought comment regarding the allegations, she said she can be an exacting boss and conceded that she had made mistakes under pressure.


"I appreciate that at high-intensity times I may not have handled every situation the way I would want and offended some people," she wrote. "For that I apologize. I also recognize that, like any leader, I am continually learning and seeking to improve how I manage people."

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Stacom also took a defiant posture in the note. She said many of the events described in this story were "taken wholly out of context," and that there's a double standard used against powerful and successful women. Stacom also criticized Insider's use of anonymous sources for this article.

Skyscraper queen Darcy Stacom is the country's top real-estate broker. But staffers say she threw things at them, berated underlings, and made employees' lives miserable. (3)

Several of Insider's sources spoke on the condition that they not be identified — out of fear of hurting their reputations in the industry, given Stacom's power in the real-estate business. Their identities are known to Insider. Working for Stacom is a credential that can open doors, they said. Her Rolodex, which includes connections to some of the world's largest investment firms, landlords, and banks — who all hope to be her first call the next time she has a prime asset for sale — is deep, they added.

The two people who said they had filed complaints against Stacom and other former members of the team said that, to their knowledge, CBRE had taken little action to reprimand Stacom. They believed that this was out of fear of alienating one of the company's top salespeople, someone who earns the company millions of dollars in fees annually.

'You're not making friends with powerful people here," Steve Iaco, CBRE's senior managing director of corporate communications, told Insider during the reporting for this story. "The fact that you're going down this road is disappointing — and frustrating."


Iaco suggested that it was inappropriate and even discriminatory to focus on Stacom when the larger real-estate business has long had a reputation as an industry plagued by male misbehavior.

It's true that double standards based on gender and entrenched biases against women can skew how misconduct is evaluated in the workplace. A male executive who yells, for instance, may simply be regarded as tough, whereas a woman who raises her voice in the same way might be labeled problematic. Organizational psychologists describe this as the "gender double bind" — a conundrum where women leaders are often "perceived as competent or likable, but never both."

Skyscraper queen Darcy Stacom is the country's top real-estate broker. But staffers say she threw things at them, berated underlings, and made employees' lives miserable. (4)

Some people interviewed for this story felt uncomfortable speaking critically of Stacom, in part because she had, in their view, done much to propel women in real estate through her prominence and success, and had simply done what it took to win in a difficult business.

Others acknowledged Stacom's inappropriate conduct but said she also had a softer side.


Paul Gillen, a commercial-real-estate sales executive who worked for Stacom from 2009 to 2015, said he learned "maybe a few things not to do" from Stacom's management style during his tenure. For the past seven years, Gillen has helped lead the investment sales practice at the firm Hodges Ward Elliott.

Gillen also described a moment in 2013 when, after a good friend of his died unexpectedly, Stacom stopped into his office.

"Do you need a hug?" Gillen said Stacom asked him, and the two embraced.

"It meant a lot to me," he said. "There's a caring side to Darcy that is, maybe, quite different from the boss."


At the suggestion of CBRE, Insider spoke with a person on Stacom's team and two real-estate executives who have worked with Stacom on deals. The three heaped praise on Stacom as a master real-estate dealmaker and said they had never seen her behave in a way that was unprofessional.

But other people, men and women, who worked for Stacom said her anger could be so extreme that it surpassed anything they'd witnessed from a person of Stacom's stature in the corporate world, regardless of gender.

"I have worked for a lot of CEOs," a former assistant said. "They yell. But Darcy crossed the line into violence or the threat of violence, and there should be zero tolerance for that."

One morning in July 2018, Stacom returned to CBRE's offices at 200 Park Avenue after a meeting with a client, and she was in a visibly foul mood, one person said. When a support staffer arrived at her desk late after a personal appointment, Stacom stormed out of her private office to confront her. On the way, Stacom grabbed a metal paper holder from the desk of an assistant that was shaped like an oversize paper clip and weighed about as much as a stapler.


As she yelled, she threw the object about 15 feet down a corridor between a row of cubicles and private offices.

People familiar with the matter said staff quickly summoned human resources, who dispatched executives to Stacom's office within minutes. In the weeks that followed, Stacom denied that she had thrown anything and insisted that the support staffer be fired, these people said. Stacom also tried to persuade at least one person who had seen her toss the paper holder to change her story.

Stacom asked, "You didn't see anything happen, did you?" that person said. They added, "She was trying to convince me to back her up."

People said CBRE's human-resources executives concluded that Stacom had tossed the object but didn't discipline her — although they did refuse her request to terminate the support staffer who had been the target of her outburst.


Skyscraper queen Darcy Stacom is the country's top real-estate broker. But staffers say she threw things at them, berated underlings, and made employees' lives miserable. (5)

Stacom then withdrew work from that person so that she spent weeks sitting idle at her desk, people on the team said. Assistants at CBRE are paid on an hourly basis and log time at the company using a time-card system. Less work can reduce their earnings.

Allison Newell, a director of operations in CBRE's New York office who had been critical of Stacom's behavior at the time and had encouraged that discipline be taken against her for the incident, was dismissed from CBRE less than a year later, people said.

This gave some on Stacom's team the impression that she was an executive who would be protected from consequences and accountability by CBRE's New York City management team.

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At the same time, in what appeared to some to be an acknowledgment of Stacom's issues, CBRE assigned a New York operations executive, Brian Tucker, to act as an intermediary between Stacom and her support team for any communications involving performance matters.

In past interviews, Stacom has said that she began her career in commercial real estate in the mid-1970s: As a 14-year-old, she worked in the mailroom of the large brokerage and services firm Cushman & Wakefield. Her father, Matthew Stacom, who died in 2014 at the age of 95, was a senior brokerage executive at the company. He focused on leasing office space to major tenants, not on selling buildings like his daughter would.


Stacom's mother, Claire, was a successful commercial leasing broker as well. She helped manage a Cushman office in Connecticut. Claire died in a car wreck in the early 1980s while driving home from work late one evening.

Stacom entered the city's real-estate business during an era when few women held important positions in the industry. Stacom, along with her sister Tara, who is one year older than Stacom and is a successful office leasing broker at Cushman, both worked for their father early in their careers. Although Matthew helped his daughters break into the business, his assistance didn't extend much beyond that, said those who knew Stacom during her early days in the industry.

—Bisnow (@Bisnow) January 13, 2016

"I don't think her father ever gave her a client," said Arthur Mirante, a former executive at Cushman who worked at the firm for decades and rose to become its CEO in the 1990s and 2000s. "And Matt Stacom had a ton of clients."

Mirante described moments when the bias against women raised hurdles for Stacom.


In the mid-1980s, for instance, Mirante said he recommended Stacom to the insurance firm Prudential, which was interviewing brokers to help it sell development sites that it held in Times Square. The neighborhood, at the time, was a seedy corner of Manhattan, and the job of securing top dollar for the properties was considered a challenging assignment.

"I remember the guy at Prudential asking me, 'Are you sure this young woman is the best person to do this for us?'" Mirante said. "She wound up killing it. That was a notable sale, and it was one of her early successes."

Years later, the sites wound up giving way to prominent skyscrapers, 5 and 7 Times Square, that helped initiate the neighborhood's commercial revitalization.

In the years after, Stacom steadily built herself into the salesperson of choice for big-league real-estate deals. In 2013, for instance, she arranged a $1.4 billion investment by a Chinese real-estate developer and a Brazilian banking billionaire into the General Motors Building overlooking Central Park. The transaction valued the white marble tower at a record, at the time, $3.4 billion.


Transactions of such magnitude earn Stacom and CBRE millions of dollars in fees, far more than the commissions paid to top residential brokers who are better known to popular culture.

Skyscraper queen Darcy Stacom is the country's top real-estate broker. But staffers say she threw things at them, berated underlings, and made employees' lives miserable. (6)

A former assistant of Stacom's said she bumped into the residential broker and reality-television star Fredrik Eklund while touring an apartment building with Stacom. The assistant said she overheard Eklund say to a client he was with: "I sell a single apartment. Darcy sells the whole building." Eklund confirmed the encounter in an email to Insider.

Stacom earned $8 million, a former member of her team said, for advising Google in a 2018 deal to buy Chelsea Market, a large office and retail property in Manhattan that's part of its campus of New York City buildings.

That fee was split between Stacom, her team, and CBRE — although the person said that Stacom generally got the largest cut.

Those who know the city's real-estate business say it isn't a place for the meek. "There's no one who gets to where Darcy Stacom is without being tough," said John Cushman, a senior brokerage executive at Cushman and Wakefield who knew Stacom early in her career. "It's like going into a big-time boxing match. You have to be ready to take some jabs, but you have to be ready to give a knockout punch intellectually to win business."


Cushman, who is now 80, acknowledged that the real-estate industry has grown more sophisticated and corporate in recent decades, but he remembered it as a "rough and tumble" place decades ago when Stacom began making her way in the business.

"There was a lot of yelling," Cushman said. "Today, you couldn't get away with what I saw when I started. You couldn't use the language or make the comments people made."

People who worked for Stacom said her behavior could sometimes seem like a throwback to that unvarnished past.

A young associate who recently worked for her described a group meeting in 2019 where she tore up a marketing document he had prepared and threw the scraps in his face in front of colleagues.


"She wanted to publicly humiliate you," the person said.

Multiple people on the team said that Stacom would sometimes launch into screaming tirades that could at times devolve into personal attacks.

"Darcy would talk about people's clothing, about their hobbies, their grooming habits, their weight, their family," the former assistant said.

—CBRE New York Tri-State (@CBRENYTriState) March 10, 2020

A former CBRE executive who had knowledge of Stacom's employment record said that one former assistant had lodged a complaint against Stacom with human resources. The complaint said Stacom called her "frumpy" and accused her of not taking care of herself. Those personal characterizations of the assistant, the former CBRE executive added, were an example of how Stacom could be personally critical and demeaning to her staff.


Another person said Stacom even told a person on her team that she'd kill them if an assignment wasn't completed to her satisfaction.

The former associate who had the paper scraps thrown in his face said he subsequently began drinking more during his tenure on the team and suffered from extreme stress.

"For about six months after I left, I had recurring nightmares I was back in that office," he said.

The former assistant said she believed Stacom's behavior, combined with the immense workload, caused an onset of high blood pressure during her time on the team that was so severe, her doctor became concerned.


"I had to get on high-blood-pressure medication," the person said. "It had a major impact on my health."

Another former support person said she had to use Adderall and similar prescription stimulants to stay focused and alert enough to process the immense workload and Stacom's exacting standards.

In the statement to her team, Stacom described the pressure she feels to meet the demands of clients who "expect perfection."

"It's no secret that I set a very high bar for myself and our team," Stacom wrote. "Our clients are some of the most demanding players in the real estate world. They expect perfection from us, and we aim to deliver that every single time. That is how we win."

Skyscraper queen Darcy Stacom is the country's top real-estate broker. But staffers say she threw things at them, berated underlings, and made employees' lives miserable. (2024)
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